Second place winners: Tomer Shoham with Bella, Dara Mormile and Kiera Haggerty. Over 50 participants came to the park with shirts honoring John DiVanna. First place winners: Zadlaire Guillou and Kristen Horn with event organizer Dara Mormile. Despite the cold weather and gray skies, family,
On Thursday, September 14th, former Governor Andrew Cuomo made his first public, political appearance since leaving office in 2021, at the Thomas Jefferson (TJ) Democratic Club, 77 Conklin Avenue. The former governor addressed a packed room of fellow leaders, including State Senators Roxanne Persaud (SD
School District 22 Superintendent Julia Bove hosted a very well-attended, virtual “Back-to-School Town Hall” meeting on Tuesday evening, September 19th, via Zoom, to address the most pressing concerns families have at the beginning of this school year. The superintendent began the meeting by identifying her
Saturday, September 23rdLustgarten Pancreatic Cancer Research WalkMarine Park (Carmine Carro Community Center)3000 Fillmore Avenue8:30 a.m. – Event Village Opens9:30 a.m. – Walk Start (one or two lap options)Dogs permitted; route is wheelchair and stroller friendlyTo register and/or donate, visit: Tuesday, September 26th – 8 p.m.69th Precinct
Despite the torrential downpours on September 11th, Leaders Engaged In All-round Development (LEAD*N), Science and Resilience Canarsie Street Team and Divine Arts Explosion Program (DEAP) forged ahead with their plans to hold “A National Day of Service and Remembrance,” in memory of almost 3,000 victims
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