December 11


Congressman Jeffries Announces Funding for Fresh Creek Ecosystem Project

December 11, 2023

Vol. 103 No. 50

Congressman Hakeem Jeffries (District 8) announced that he secured $500,00 for the Hudson Raritan Estuary (HRS) project, at a Community Funding Check Presentation held on Monday, November 27th, at the Canarsie Pier.  The federal money, which was secured in partnership between Jeffries and Senator Chuck Schumer, will be used for planning, engineering and design for the Fresh Creek portion of the HRE project, providing ecosystem and coastal storm risk management benefits.

Congressman Jeffries was joined by State Senator Roxanne Persaud and representatives from the EPA, the DEP, Hudson River Foundation, Coney Island Beautification Project and Fresh Creek Civic Association President Maria Garrett.

The restoration of more than 24 acres of wetlands at the Fresh Creek site will improve connectivity of currently fragmented vital nursery, nesting and feeding habitat from adjacent marsh islands for hundreds of migratory birds – including the federally listed, threatened piping plover and endangered roseate tern.

Restoration of Fresh Creek will also create a sustainable and resilient shoreline within the perimeter area of Jamaica Bay, providing a natural buffer from waves, tides, winds and floods, helping to reduce coastal shoreline erosion and property damage during storm events.

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