November 14


LEAD*INT Undertakes Beautification Of Canarsie Park

November 14, 2022

On Saturday, November 5th, members of Leaders Engaged In All Round Development (LEAD*INT) and several volunteers gathered at Canarsie Park to participate in the group’s annual “It’s My Park” cleanup project.

The exercise was carried out in collaboration with City Parks Foundation, NYC Parks and other supporters. A Parks Department representative, Adam Blachly, instructed volunteers on the correct way to handle tools, as well as pick up litter and natural debris.
The majority of the volunteers were students completing required community service hours. The group cleaned out four squares within the park, before planting over 750 tulip and daffodil bulbs along the borders. “This is a huge help in maintaining the park as a healthy and welcoming space for all to enjoy,” Blachly noted.
LEAD*INT founder Jennifer Viechweg-Horsford agreed stating, “We want a tulip border to bloom and enhance this area. Our supporters donated hundreds of bulbs because they have the same vision.”
Viechweg-Horsford thanked everyone who contributed to the success of the project.

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