June 3


Honoring Our Brave Fallen Heroes

Memorial Day – a time to pause and reflect on the brave heroes who fought for our freedom.  A time to remember those who served in the United States military and sacrificed their lives so we can live in freedom.  Amid the barbecues and family parties, Americans across our great Nation paused to honor those brave soldiers and to say thank you for their service on Memorial Day.  Locally, Canarsiens paid tribute to these brave men and women at a ceremony held at the war monument in Canarsie Cemetery.

State Senator Roxanne Persaud, Assemblywoman Jaime Williams, member of the Lions Club and others gathered on Monday morning to lay a wreath by the war monument and say prayers for our veterans, active military and for our country.

Assemblywoman Williams said, “We must come together to honor the lives of those we have lost and those who keep fighting for our nation.”

God Bless the USA!

Photos by Lloyd Mitchell


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