October 31


Assemblywoman Jaime Williams Hosts Harvest Festival In Canarsie Park

October 31, 2022

Assemblywoman Jaime Williams, along with co-sponsors Congressman Hakeem Jeffries, State Senator Roxanne Persaud, Assemblywoman Monique Chandler-Waterman and Councilwoman Mercedes Narcisse, could not have picked a more ideal afternoon to host an outdoor Harvest Festival. On Saturday, the leaders and many of their constituents turned out for the grand, two-hour celebration at Canarsie Park.

The afternoon was filled with music and fun for the children who were plied with an assortment of treats and refreshments, even as they ran around and played. Fun Bash provided a variety of games which offered additional entertainment for them.
“None of this would be possible without the help of our partners, East Flatbush Village Inc., Millennium Development, Fun Bash, NYPD, Canarsie Lions and Brooklyn Transition Lions,” Assemblywoman Williams acknowledged.
“This is what community partnership is all about — working together,” Senator Persaud added.

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