Crime may be down in some parts of the 69th Precinct, but there are ongoing concerns about robberies committed by youngsters in the community. Neighborhood Coordination Officers (NCOs), representing Sector B, spread the word about crime updates and advisories at their first in-person Build the Block meeting since the pandemic at Consuming Fire Ministries International Inc., 9623 Avenue L, on Thursday, January 26th.
NCOs Vivian Segovia and Yhayh Saleh spoke to a small crowd about the group of youths who have been habitually getting on local buses after committing crimes.
“A lot of the kids coming out of Canarsie High School campus are targets when they’re texting and walking,” said Segovia. “The young thieves target those kids, steal their belongings and get on a bus. The good thing is that we know their identities and who they are. The system just keeps processing them and letting them out. They’re even processed in Family Court, but we want the community to be aware of what their tactics are.”
Officers Segovia and Saleh reported that thefts of catalytic converters from an array of different car models are finally “dying down” after a few years.
“The NYPD has been marking serial numbers on the converters of your car so if they’re stolen, at least we have a record of the car and owner to track it to,” Saleh said.
The officers also received feedback about ongoing annoyances in their sector, which spans from East 94th Street to East 108th Street, and from the south side of Flatlands Avenue to Shore Parkway.
Many continue to request large-scale tow operations to focus on trucks and campers that park along Seaview Avenue.
In good news, Fresh Creek Civic Association President Maria Garrett, who is also Sector B’s Community Partner working with the NCOs, said there will be a massive cleanup along East 108th Street in April.
Each of the four NCO sectors meet quarterly, representing different portions of Canarsie, and giving residents a transparent opportunity to voice their concerns about various quality of life issues. The NCOs provide their contact information at each session. To find out when your sector meets, visit the 69th Precinct’s Twitter page at: @NYPD69Pct