June 11


When The Community Speaks, The 69th Precinct Listens!

June 11, 2022

The 69th Precinct Community Council held a moment of silence for the 19 children and two teachers who were killed in a tragic school shooting in Uvalde, Texas on May 24th.  Captain Khandakar Abdullah, commanding officer of the 69th Precinct, said that gun violence and violence against children are plaguing our country and New York City.  “Gun violence in the city is up, and this moment of silence is very much needed,” he said at the May 31st Community Council meeting.

In light of the increase in mass shootings, an Active Shooter Program held at the 69th Precinct on May 23rd came at a good time.  Units such as the Counterterrorism Bureau spoke to about 40 attendees –  specifically clergy – as to how they can safeguard their houses of worship. Subjects presented also included how to identify behavior that could lead to attacks. Captain Abdullah said that the training could also be applied to schools, supermarkets, and train and bus stations.

He said that residential burglaries, including copper pipe theft, have spiked a bit over the most recent 28-day period.  As thieves are entering through basement windows, the captain recommended that homeowners put grills on their basement windows and install camera systems.  “Criminals are caught by Facial Recognition, and experts have the technology to identify perpetrators,” he said.

Thanks to community participation and intervention, and the precinct listening to residents’ concerns, Abdullah said that the collaboration is helping to bring down certain crimes like the theft of unattended vehicles.  “The message is getting out there,” he said.

The precinct also takes seriously the complaints by residents concerning derelict vehicles.  “On May 6th, we had a joint operation with DSNY that removed 26 vehicles off the street,” Abdullah said, thanking his NCO Sergeant for putting the operation together.  Another vehicle operation in April, with the Sheriff’s Office, helped to remove 33 vehicles that had forged and mismatched plates.

Thanks to precision policing, there were 16 gun arrests, including one rifle, over the 28-day period.

Captain Abdullah presented a Cop of the Month Award to Police Officer Brian Henn for apprehending three individuals who were driving a stolen vehicle.

Henn, a second generation cop who has been with the NYPD for 11 years, was assigned to the 69th Precinct in June 2021. He is responsible for 383 arrests, of which 163 were felonies. Assigned to Steady Sector Boy, Henn patrols East 94th Street to East 108th street, from Flatlands to Seaview Avenues.

Henn and his partner responded to a 911 call of a stolen vehicle on East 95th Street.  “While canvassing for the vehicle, he observed the vehicle traveling eastbound on Avenue L and East 93rd Street,” Abdullah said.  While conducting a car stop, he apprehended the three individuals.  “This was not his first stolen vehicle.  Toward the end of last year, he arrested an individual inside a stolen vehicle.”“His determination and his dedication make him distinguished, and I would like to acknowledge this distinguished officer,” Abdullah said, as the audience applauded.

Executive Officer Captain Jared Badillo said that there has been a decrease in pedestrian collisions.  “Although we don’t want to see any injuries, six pedestrians were struck over the recent 28-day period versus 10 at this time last year.”  There was also a slight uptick in bicycle collisions.  Four were hit in the last 28 days.  “This is the season that a lot of bicycles are out, so we want to be extra careful with that,” he warned.

The 69th Precinct Community Council presented a Community Service award to Frieda Menos, Director of Constituent Services, Congressman Hakeem Jeffries’ Office, and a leadership award to Moshit Rivkin, Executive Director, Hebrew Educational Society, for their hard work in making the 69th Precinct Community Council Job Fair, held on April 14th at the H.E.S.,  a huge success.

Council President Gardy Brazela, who was unable to attend this year’s job fair, thanked both of them, stating that the council has held the job fair every year, except during COVID.  “For the first time in seven years, we had over 600 people who attended the job fair!” he said.

“Thank you for a job well done.  Without you guys, I don’t know.  When all of us work together, we can accomplish a lot,” Brazela said.

The final meeting of the 69th Precinct Community Council before the summer break will be held at the Hebrew Educational Society, 9502 Seaview Avenue, on Tuesday, June 28th at 8 p.m.

Officer Brian Henn (with Captain Abdullah and Captain Badillo, Community Council President Gardy Brazela and elected officials) accepts a Cop of the Month award.

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