November 18


St. Edmund Students Highlight Dignity Of Workers In Latest Edition Of Tablet Jr.

November 18, 2022

Students at St. Edmund’s Elementary School recently partnered with DeSales Media and the Catholic Telemedia Network to publish this month’s popular Tablet Jr. newspaper, which is included as a special insert in the October 29th Tablet newspaper.
This edition, entitled Dignity of Workers, features news articles by 7th graders regarding the important role teachers play within society, an student opinion piece on respecting others and an “Ask Sister Elizabeth” section with questions regarding the workforce. It also includes artwork by students of grades 4 and 8.
St. Edmund Catholic School is located at 1902 Avenue T in Sheepshead Bay. Andrea D’Emic is the Principal.
Tablet Jr. is published monthly and co-sponsored by New York City based Sadlier Publishing Company, which publishes educational content, software and services for preK-12.
The Tablet is the award-winning Catholic newspaper of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn. It has circulated in Brooklyn and Queens since 1908. Published weekly, the paper covers local, national and international news and opinion from the Catholic perspective (
The Catholic Telemedia Network, created over 50 years ago as a member of the Catholic Television Network, provides curriculum-based instructional media resources to support educators throughout the Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn, which includes Queens. CTN services include a library of on-demand instructional media, online coursework and T-Mobile Cellular internet service. The Catholic Telemedia Network is a service of DeSales Media.

Teachers Are Essential Workers
By Shea Jacobs
Grade 7

Teachers make the future happen. I met with a teacher who agreed to share his thoughts about the dignity of workers in general and the dignity of teachers in particular. He said he thinks other teachers, parents and students respect teachers, but society does not. He feels that many people don’t believe that teaching is an essential job. If society respected teachers, teachers would receive better support and salaries. In his work environment, he feels that his supervisor respects him, but he sometimes sees that not all colleagues are respected equally. He thinks that people think that teaching is easy because they have never done it themselves. Teaching is difficult. Not all teachers have sufficient training to control the class so the students can learn. He believes that students need to be respectful to teachers and that this should be non-negotiable. This teacher feels that the dignity of workers is that everyone who works for a living should be respected in whatever job they engage in and that if schools were more open to teaching about every culture and ethnicity, educators would be more respected. Regardless of someone’s position in an organization, everyone should feel respected in their role because everyone contributes to the organization. The dignity of all workers is part of our Catholic social teachings. This is true in schools as well as businesses.

The COVID19 pandemic had a significant effect on education. Teachers and students had to adjust to on-line learning. Teachers had to learn how to teach in an entirely new manner. They could not interact with their students in the usual way. It was difficult for them to give their students the help they needed on a screen, not in person. Teachers could not make sure that their students were paying attention. Sometimes students did not have the proper technology to participate. A challenging job became much more difficult. Teachers worked hard to adjust and do the best for their students under extraordinary and challenging circumstances. As a result, perhaps society will now place more value on the contribution that teachers make and give teachers the respect and dignity they deserve.

All Workers Are Heroes
By Olivia Beshara
Grade 7

First responders get their names because they are always the first on the scene when an emergency or a disaster occurs. When people think of first responders, firefighters automatically come to mind. This reporter had the privilege of interviewing a firefighter who is her hero, her dad. All first responders risk their lives so we can stay safe. September 11, 2001, is a day that we will never forget. The first responders on the scene that day had no idea what their fate would be or what tragic events were about to occur when they ran up the stairs at the Twin Towers. The FDNY lost 343 members that day; an additional 182 firefighters have since died from 9/11-related illnesses. Sadly, that number keeps rising.

When asked, “Why did you become a firefighter?” the firefighter interviewed for this article responded, “I wanted to be a firefighter when I was 26 years old after 9/11. He also responded that he feels he is treated fairly and respectfully by fellow firefighters and citizens. He added that he wouldn’t change anything about his job because he thinks, “I have a great job!”

An essential worker is someone who provides a service to society. First responders are imperative workers but the pandemic has reminded us that so are many others. People often do not give other virtual workers like store clerks, waitresses, cooks and factory workers the same respect. Some workers in these jobs are not paid a fair wage because their jobs are not valued by society. All work has dignity, and all jobs have value because all workers are essential and contribute to the common good of humanity.


This edition of The Tablet Jr. was created with the contributions of student journalists from St. Edmund Elementary School, Brooklyn.

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