February 26


Rough Start to Year, Officer Awarded Cop of Month

February 26, 2022

Commanding Officer Captain Khandakar Abdullah updated residents on crime statistics and presented Cop of the Month Awards at the February 22nd meeting of the 69th Precinct Community Council.

“It’s been a rough start to the year.  We are up in every category of crime, except burglary.  Shootings are up, and it’s gang activity and violence that are driving our shootings,” Captain Abdullah said.

The precinct has seen a large jump in grand larcenies.  The captain said that grand larceny auto is preventable.  “Stolen cars are used in crimes, for drive-by shootings and robberies all around the city,” he said, stating that 45 percent of the incidents that recently occurred in the 69th Precinct were preventable.  “Running autos are a problem, and in two cases, keys were left inside the car.”

Year to date, there were five shooting incidents, involving eight victims, and eight gun arrests.  Three of the shootings were gang-related, and two of the incidents are close to arrest.  Due to dedicated detective work, one person turned themselves in and another suspect was apprehended when officers pursed a vehicle after hearing gunshots.

Abdullah said he met with his supervisors for a strategy meeting to discuss how to prevent further crimes.  “We plan on communicating with different precincts and get information on criminal activities before they happen.”

The precinct has received 24 additional resources, from 5 to 11 p.m., which should help with crime.  Some of those officers will be positioned at hotspots along Avenue L, the East 80s, and the Breukelen and Bayview Houses.

Abdullah presented Cop of the Month Awards to two officers who investigated a stolen vehicle last November.  Because of their detailed description of the suspects, and their body-worn cameras, the individuals were apprehended at a later date.  As Officer Michael Sidorskiy is still recovering from an injury during the car stop, only Officer Nataly Sampedro was present to accept her award.

On November 24, 2021 Sampedro and Sidorskiy were driving in an area known to be a dumping ground for stolen cars.  The officers got suspicious when they discovered a vehicle that had a New York registration sticker, but no front license plate.  When they determined the vehicle was stolen, they tried to take the driver out of the car, but he stepped on the gas, dragging Sidorskiy and crashing into a fence.  The officer, who has nearly 20 years on the job, suffered a broken ankle and is still recovering at home.

Sampedro has been with the police department for two years.  She has made numerous arrests, including a firearm arrest a few months ago. “I want to recognize Officer Sampedro for her hard work and thank her,” Abdullah said as he presented her with her award.

Police Officer Nataly Sampedro (pictured with Captain Elissa Carlies, Captain Khandakar Abdullah and Council President Gardy Brazela) accepts Cop of the Month Award.


Captain Khandakar Abdullah updates residents on crime trends in the 69th Precinct.

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