June 12


Marine Park – Students’ Artwork Displayed at Annual District 22 Art Show

June 12, 2023

From May 30 – 31, P.S. 207 Elizabeth G. Leary School, 4011 Fillmore Avenue, held its annual District 22 Art Show where schools in Flatbush, Marine Park and Gerritsen Beach, among others, proudly presented their students’ artwork.

Organized by Michele Kelly, the lead district art ambassador, with assistance provided by the Art Teacher Ambassadors Program, which is headed by Community School District 22 Superintendent Julia Bove and Erica DiGiovanna, director of Communications and External Affairs for District 22. With additional support by P.S. 207’s Principal Neil J. McNeill, Jr., the art show provided students the opportunity to express their creative talents for all to see.
“This show is the culmination and celebration of exceptional works of art created by students in District 22 public schools,” said Kelly. “It is a time to honor the hard work and artistic rigor which only a dedicated visual arts program can yield. It is in that spirit that we have crafted this unique opportunity for the families of our district, inviting them to be inspired by our youth.”
Students from 1st to 8th grades displayed their original artworks, which included self-portraits, abstract paintings, pottery, three-dimensional pieces and even references to well-known works such as The Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh and Vanitas Still Life by Pieter Claesz, as well as other notable artists like William Blake and Picasso.
“I’m proud that I got to make this artwork, said Sophia Pinchuk, whose piece was a pixelated recreation of The Starry Night. “Not only because it’s just a creative way to honor others’ artworks but also [to show] that you could be creative and create whatever you want in your own way.”

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