October 3


Lions Walk To Tell Every Amazing Lady About Ovarian Cancer

October 3, 2022

In observation of National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, over 100 Lions and Leos from District 20 K 1 (Brooklyn and Queens) gathered at Gershwin/Linden Park on September 10th to participate in the annual T.E.A.L. walk, sponsored by the District, to raise awareness and help find a cure for ovarian cancer.

According to the Mayo Clinic, when ovarian cancer first develops, it may not cause any noticeable symptoms. When symptoms do appear, they’re usually attributed to other, more common conditions. Some symptoms include abdominal bloating, quickly feeling full when eating, weight loss, pelvic discomfort, fatigue, back pain, changes in bowel habits or a frequent need to urinate.
The same way the color pink is associated with breast cancer, the color teal is synonymous with ovarian cancer. The acronym T.E.A.L. stands for “Tell Every Amazing Lady.”
“It needs to be known,” said Lion Helen Dluzewski, chairperson of District 20 K 1’s T.E.A.L. Committee. “We have to raise awareness. My cousin found out in the last stage. She fought through the treatments but eventually succumbed. We have to Tell Every Amazing Lady!”
District Co-Chair, Lion Pamela Taylor, agreed, stating, “We all need to remember that although there is a lot of research being done, there is still no cure, no test like a pap smear or mammography that might provide early detection.”
During the walk, members of Stuy Park Lions Club honored the memory of one of their members, Lion Myra Crumpe, who recently succumbed to ovarian cancer. The Leos and their sponsors showed their love and respect for Myra and her beloved, bereaved family by wearing white t-shirts with the headshot of a smiling “amazing lady” sporting a pink flower in her hair. Surrounding the photo in teal lettering was the caption “In Loving Memory Lion Myra Crumpe.” Her husband, Lion Bill Crumpe, who participated in the walk, posed for photos with the Lions and Leos, before they released dozens of teal balloons into the air while shouting Myra’s name in unison.
Dluzewski said she was delighted to see so many come out to raise awareness of this silent killer.

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