September 27


Happy 100th Birthday Mr. Everton Hall!

September 27, 2022

Everton Hall, born in St. Michael, Barbados on September 29, 1922, is the last remaining of five children born to Adna and John Hall. Everton married the love of his life – Linda – on Aug. 12, 1948. The family immigrated to Brooklyn, N.Y. in the early 1970s bringing with them their six children.

In 1974 they made 416 Linden Boulevard, Brooklyn their new homestead as they raised and college educated their children. This location became a home away from their island home of Barbados not only for their extended family but also for many a newcomer to New York City.
Affectionally known as “Daddy Hall,” this father of six, grandfather of 12 and great-grandfather of three, is everyone’s daddy; always the one holding court, with a keen listening ear for all seeking counsel.
A commercial printer for his entire working life – starting at the Advocate, in Barbados, and ending his career at Ernest Bindery in Brooklyn — he retired in 1987. During his first two decades of retirement, he assisted with caring for his grandchildren, with drop-offs to and from elementary school and dance classes as well as helping with homework.
Daddy Hall has always demonstrated a keen interest in politics and sports; he enjoys watching CNN and MSNBC as well as his favorite baseball team – the N.Y. Mets. He will challenge anyone to a game of dominoes, and it is near impossible to beat him at this game.
As the family grew from six children to 12 grandchildren and three great-grands, they have dispersed to Maryland, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Atlanta, but Brooklyn, New York remains headquarters for the Hall family.

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