July 9


Environmental Ambassadors of Today Help Bring About A Better World For Tomorrow

July 9, 2022

Assemblywoman Jaime Williams hosted the 59th Assembly District’s Environmental Ambassadors at Midget Squadron Yacht Club, in Canarsie, on Saturday, June 18th, where they took part in a workshop and celebratory picnic.

This celebration was the culmination of these young heroes’ perseverance and selfless desire to better our world over the past year. These tenacious and dedicated environmental ambassadors hailed from Success Academy, P.S. 312, P.S. 236, P.S. 203, P.S. 277, P.S. 276, P.S. 251, P.S. 272, I.S. 78, P.S. 207, P.S. 251 and St. Bernard – all to build hope and bring about change through environmental awareness.

Their youthful exuberance and dedication consisted of cleanups along the shoreline of the various beaches that border Jamaica Bay. With the guidance of the Jamaica Bay Conservancy, the Environmental Ambassadors bettered our world with each piece of litter they removed and wayward fishing line found. Taking part in various workshops at the Anthony Genovesi Environmental Center in Bergen Beach over the past year further inculcated the Environmental Ambassadors’ knowledge of how to protect and preserve our precious eco-system.

“The climate crisis is causing many to feel helpless and hopeless,” Williams said. “The Environmental Ambassador Program helps instill a knowledge that we can make a change and thereby a difference, and youth and students are the best to carry the torch to help our planet and our environment. The program strengthens the conviction of our student ambassadors and youth, allowing for a sense of hope and knowledge in how they can make a difference,” Williams concluded.

To celebrate their dedication, Williams, along with Midget Squadron Commodore Howard Rubenfield, Dr. Judy Newton and Paul Curiale of Millennium Development, honored the Environmental Ambassadors with a certificate detailing their achievements and efforts to help bring about a better world.

Courtesy of Assemblywoman Jaime Williams’ Office

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