February 9


District 22 Schools Getting Major Capital Funding

February 9, 2022

Community District Education Council 22 (CEC 22) met virtually on Tuesday evening, February 8th via Zoom to explore a number of resolutions, learn about capital planning initiatives, and vote in new members.


The board considered a “Resolution to Support Legislation to Protect the Charter Cap,” which simply put, is a request that elected officials and lawmakers support a specific bill put forth by Senator John Liu (S.7666A/A.8801). The bill would limit the number of charter schools allowed to operate in New York City and make the Board of Regents the only entity authorized to approve a charter school. Members of CEC 22, like those of the other 11 CECs city-wide who have adopted similar resolutions, hope to prevent their local public schools from being closed and underfunded, a trend that is being observed in cites all across the Nation.


The board also considered a resolution in support of universal child care, which urges the State legislature and the Governor to include an investment of $5 billion in the State budget for Fiscal Year 2023. Their resolution suggests that those moneys be used to provide free child care to all New York residents regardless of income with a priority on marginalized families, which they define as families of color, families of children with special needs, low-income families, undocumented families, and others. Their resolution would also have child care workers paid the same as public school teachers.


Also interesting, was a report provided by School Construction Authority External Affairs Senior Manager, Yvette Knight, who spoke about the major investments being made in terms of capital planning efforts in District 22 schools. She explained that over the course of the next four years, the department will invest a whopping $96,854,545.00 in the District, providing schools with everything from new roofs and playgrounds, to upgraded electrical systems and enhanced accessibility. She also highlighted much of the work currently under way, including exterior modernizations at P.S.255 and P.S.197 and an impressive addition to P.S.254, which will provide 416 new seats when it opens this coming September. Knight also explained that the department is looking to create 865 new seats in the Mill Basin area, most of which will be for elementary level students and applauded CEC 22 for their thorough and timely submission of school visit wish lists.


Afterward, the board welcomed two new parent members: Alexis McLean and Arthur Kleynerman who will be joining the group and announced that there is only one open seat left; that of the Borough President Appointee, which they hope will soon be filled as well.


The next meeting of CEC 22 will be held on Tuesday, March 1st at 6:30 p.m.

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