Members of Community District Education Council 22 (CEC 22) held their monthly business and calendar meetings virtually, on Tuesday evening, February 7th, via Zoom, with more than 40 participants in attendance.
When CEC 22 President Oluwaseun Salako asked for a moment of silence in memory of Superintendent Julia Bove’s mother; Lidia Bove, it became abundantly clear just how close-knit and united the group has become. President Salako shared kind words of comfort and tribute and when Superintendent Bove touchingly described her mother’s warm, welcoming, generous nature, there wasn’t a dry eye in the house. The group expressed their support and thanked Bove for attending the meeting and being present for the kids in the District, despite what she must be going through.
Members of CEC 22 have long been encouraging other District 22 parents to join the board and fill a number of open seats. District 22 Family Leadership Coordinator Heather Fiorica, a former PTA member, CEC member and President herself, shared her insight on the process. Fiorica explained that are 32 CECs citywide and that each group should consist of two non-voting high school seniors and 12 voting members, 10 of which are elected [including one English Language Learner (ELL) seat, one Individualized Education Plan (IEP) seat and one District 75 seat] and two of which are appointed by the Borough President.
Parents interested in serving on the board in 2023 must register by February 13th, using their NYC Schools Account (NYCSA) at and link all of their children in order to be eligible to participate. Parents will have the opportunity to attend candidate forums prior to the election. Fiorica explained that even those who do not wish to run should take advantage of the opportunity to vote for candidates that represent their families using their NYSCA accounts.
The next meeting of CEC 22 will be held on Tuesday evening, March 7th at 6:30 p.m.