March 13


Clergy Council Holds First Prayer Vigil of 2023

March 13, 2023

Members and supporters of the 69th Precinct Clergy Council gathered on Rockaway Parkway at the corner of Glenwood Road on Monday, March 6th, to pray for various needs in the community. Each prayer was supported by an appropriate scripture verse. The main concerns were peace, unity and an end to gun violence in the community.

Prayers were also said for President Joseph Biden and his entire administration, in accordance with the teachings of 1 Timothy 2:1-2. This was followed by a prayer for the Nation. Chaplain Faith Williams asked God to “keep your eyes on the nations of the world. Give the leaders knowledge to understand the people that they serve.”
Other petitions were made for the sick, businesses in the community, the military and police officers, especially those of the 69th Precinct, several of whom were in attendance at the vigil. Deputy Inspector Khandakar Abdullah, Community Affairs Officer Samuel Maria and Auxiliary Coordinator Dukens Riche spoke briefly and expressed thanks to the community for their support and trust. Abdullah said, “Canarsie is truly special and I look forward to continue serving you.”
President of the Clergy Council Reverend Cecil Moonsam commended the officers for their daily sacrifice. He said, “The world would be better off if we would think more of others and sometimes put them first, instead of ourselves.” This sentiment was echoed by State Senator Roxanne Persaud.
Jibreel Jalloh, a local community activist, requested a moment of silence in remembrance of Billy Hippolyte, who was gunned down on East 83rd Street and Flatlands Avenue on January 17th, and Ethan Flowers who suffered a similar fate two weeks later on Paerdegat 1st Street.
The vigil concluded with a closing prayer by Rev. Moonsam and everyone singing the Clergy Council’s theme song, “Every Praise,” by Bishop Hezekiah Walker.

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