September 19


Bergen Beach Residents Leery Of New Bus Company

September 19, 2022

After taking a summer hiatus, the Bergen Beach Civic Association (BBCA) held their general meeting on Tuesday, September 13th at the Hudson River Yacht Club, 2101 Bergen Avenue.

Over the summer, violent crime in the 63rd Precinct, which serves Bergen Beach, was reported to be low, with the majority of crimes committed being car thefts, package thefts and petit larceny (stolen property valued below $1,000) with many of the perpetrators successfully apprehended. Residents remain concerned about incidents occurring in Kings Plaza, Lindower Park and Roy H. Mann Park, which the NYPD is addressing by increasing patrols in those areas. Quality of life issues like illegal ATVs, fireworks and speeding on Bergen Avenue and East 69th Streets are also on their radar.
Residents have been advised to beware of a suspicious individual, riding a Citi Bike around the neighborhood, who may be scouting with the intent to steal vehicles and electric scooters. They should call 911 immediately if they suspect they are being followed. Likewise, those making deliveries in the neighborhood have been advised to turn off their vehicles and take their keys with them to prevent theft, which is sound advice in general.
Also deeply concerning for many residents, especially those who reside on East 69th Street, between Avenues U and Y, is a new school bus company that has moved into the two previously vacant lots just across the street. After battling the bus company that previously operated out of those lots for several years and lived with the early morning noise and diesel emissions of idling buses, double parked buses and increased litter, many residents are understandably worried that history will repeat itself.
Through communication with BBCA Civic President Sal Calise, Community Board 18 and local elected officials, it has been determined that the bus company, which previously operated out of a lot on Strickland Avenue that had been sold, only settled on the lots at East 69th Street because they needed a place to house their fleet of 125 vehicles, on very short notice. The company has assured the community that they will make every effort to be good neighbors and have said that they are willing to move to another lot, preferably one owned by the city, just as soon as they can find one that is available.
The next meeting of the BBCA is expected to be held on Tuesday, October 11th at 7:30 p.m. at the Hudson River Yacht Club.

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