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Moving to a new home is an exciting time, but it can feel overwhelming. However, with strategic planning and execution, you can streamline the process and minimize stress. Here is a comprehensive guide to help you achieve a hassle-free move. Plan Strategically Start your moving

Hydration might seem simple, but it’s a game changer in fitness. Every athlete knows the pain of muscle cramps or the exhaustion that sweeps through your body when you’re not drinking enough water. But did you know staying hydrated can actually enhance your physical performance? It’s true

On Saturday, June 1, the Brooklyn Waterfront Artists Coalition launches four of new shows, the second series  of exhibitions in its current spring season:  Works on Paper  The Cardinal Compass: A Collection of North Carolina Artists  The Creative Process  Shirley Kaplan: The Creative Process  Works

Thursday, May 30th Special Emergency Meeting of Community Board 18 The Department of City Planning will be having a special meeting regarding their “City of Yes” for Housing Opportunity. Board members will be voting on the plan that night.  It is very important that residents

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On Friday, May 17th, State Senator Roxanne J. Persaud held an “Able Gamers” Gaming Accessibility event in the Canarsie Educational Campus gymnasium, at 1600 Rockaway Parkway, from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. The senator collaborated with Able Gamers Charity for this event to help combat

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The Canarsie Art Crawl was officially launched on Wednesday, May 1st, to promote the transformative power of art. We believe that art has the capacity to go beyond cultural boundaries and serve as a push for conversations and meaningful interactions between people. Our goal is

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