October 3


Youth Run/Run for Youth, Muscular Dystrophy Awareness 5K 

October 3, 2023

Vol. 103 No. 40

On Sunday, October 1st, First Responders Leos, a group of youth, hosted a 5K Run/Walk in Prospect Park to raise awareness and to fundraise for Muscular Dystrophy.

The event was originally set for Sunday, September 24th, but due to the weather, it was postponed until October 1st. The youth organization decided to host the 5K in September since it is Muscular Dystrophy Awareness Month.

Throughout the year, First Responders Leos host several events, and since its president, Anaya Willabus, and some of the other members are track athletes, they felt that it would be a great opportunity to utilize this platform to support a cause that affects children.

First Responders Leos are youth, ages 13-18 years old, and are from several middle and high schools throughout NYC.

Some attendees ran and others walked in support. The top three runners of the 5K were Miya Ringel with a time of 25.29, Jenise Fussell who tied with a time of 25.28 and Wilson Zhang with 26.22 minutes. The three top runners received a special prize for their performance.

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