Many New Yorkers took advantage of the Safe Disposal Event sponsored by State Senator Roxanne Persaud (SD 19) on Saturday, June 24th, by clearing out household refuse they had stowed, waiting for just such an opportunity. Representatives from the Department of Sanitation (DSNY), who partnered with Persaud and NYC Parks in this venture, collected and sorted household waste, which included unused medications, syringes, fire extinguishers, paint, batteries, electronics, automotive products and more.
DSNY distributed information on the Zero Waste To Landfills program, which educates recommends ways to safely “Reduce, Reuse and Recycle” waste and how it benefits the environment. Constituents also received resource packets from Persaud’s office, containing PPE and details regarding services and similar events available through the office.
Members of Brooklyn Canarsie and Brooklyn Transition Lions clubs, New York State Chaplain Taskforce (NYSCTF), as well as several SD 19 constituents, volunteered their services to ensure the Safe Disposal Event was a success.