October 8


Navigating Moving and Storage, in New York City: A Handbook, for Fresh Residents of The Big Apple

October 8, 2024

Vol. 104 No. 41

So, you are thinking of moving to New York City. Perhaps it is the cityscape that hypnotizes you or the vibrant atmosphere and culture embracing you in New York City – the Big Apple. Get ready for adventure as you begin making your moves to be part of this iconic metropolis. But before bagel tastings and Broadway shows can begin, a very important business must be addressed: moving and storage in New York City. So go ahead, fill up your cup of coffee, and take a few minutes to get acquainted with our all-inclusive moving guide, assembled with the goal of creating an as-smooth-as-possible move. Things to Consider Before Moving or Storing Items in New York City

Aspects That Will Play A Huge Role In Your Moving Journey


New York City can feel cramped, and those moving from the suburbs or a bigger city may be in for a shock when they see how big the apartments are in the Big Apple!

Now’s the time to consider how things will be able to fit in your new home: Will that old dresser be able to make it up all those flights of stairs to your fifth-floor apartment without incident, or does your roller skate collection really have a place in your closet space?

The City

NYC has its rules, which can make moving more complicated than it has to be, especially if you are not prepared for some peculiarities, such as street cleaning days and rules concerning alternate-side parking because of narrow streets. Get familiar with street rules and public transportation at your disposal well in advance before actually making your move.

Let’s Get Moving

Alright, now, down to brass tacks: how to move to New York City!

Have a Game Plan

The notion of moving to NYC without some sort of game plan is rather like trying to steer a boat without knowing where one is going. Eventually, the snacks are bound to run out, and odds are one will end up stuck in the mire somewhere.

You will want to make a moving calendar of dates of the move; this will enable you to set some moving and storage objectives and even break those objectives down into smaller tasks. You should have a budget and a list of time-sensitive items that have to be accomplished far in advance, such as utility companies and calling PODS.

Buy Supplies

Head to your stores and browse through online shops to get some boxes, tape, bubble wrap, and markers. Try picking up the supplies in advance to avoid the last-minute rush. Pro tip: Try scouting for boxes from liquor stores or supermarket bins. They are usually strong and suitable for packing purposes!

Get a Hold of Containers

A very popular moving and storage option for New York City residents is PODS or Portable On Demand Storage. In this convenient service, your storage container will be delivered right to your doorsteps for you to pack in leisure. You can store the said container in your backyard so you can pack at your own pace, and when you are ready, you can move it to your new place in New York City!

Downsizing and Declutter

As space is just not something you will be having in spades in your new NYC home, you really may need to get rid of some of your stuff. This step does not allow any room for sentiment. The rule is if you haven’t thought of it or touched it in a year, it has to go, either by tossing it, selling it, or donating it. This will save a lot of labor in moving, plus the expense, too.

Arrange items According To Their Room And Category

When packing for a move or trip, it’s good to have an approach to it so that everything goes down smoothly. First, take it one room at a time. Divide it into parts. For instance, you can pack things in the kitchen in one box while packing your things from the bedroom in another. This trick will make it a lot easier to unpack and lower the stress levels involved.

Label All Items Obsessively

Use the power of labeling as your trusted sidekick in managing your items while packing up. Just label each box with what is inside it and which room it goes to, so you don’t have to indulge in episodes of rummaging through all the boxes. Take it a notch higher by using color-coded labels for added organization!

Consider Moving and Storage Professionals

Now, this can be a bit expensive, but it shall definitely lighten the burden for you. They know their way through the hurly-burly of NYC and will, therefore, feel easier in relocating to your place. Research some reputable moving companies and log onto some websites to see customer reviews and book them in advance to ensure quality help.

How to Get Around and Store In NYC Like a Pro

Living in New York City is an adventure; big city life comes with loads of opportunities and a very rich cultural exposure. However, the process that gets one there is anything but what one would call a good time. Moving doesn’t have to be stressful; it can be easy and even fun once you apply these handy dandy tips presented in this article.

Happy woman holding a key of new house with man in background

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