Police officers save lives daily, not only by protecting the public but also by donating blood, and officers came out in full force with their commanding officer to do just that at a New York Blood Center mobile bus that was parked outside the 63rd Precinct, at 1844 Brooklyn Avenue, on April 6th.
Recently promoted Commanding Officer Deputy Inspector Rachael Kosak led by example and was a returnee like many other officers who waited patiently for their turn as they gathered outside the bus with some local residents who heard about the event on social media or by word of mouth.
Donors provided a donor card or ID and personal information to staff, who then took their temperature, pulse, blood pressure and hemoglobin readings from a finger prick to screen for eligibility. If accepted, they entered their donor history on an automated online questionnaire, and information was read and agreed to before signing electronically on a laptop.
The blood collection process took approximately 45 minutes. When done, donors were asked to sit and have some refreshments before leaving the bus.
There were several stations on both sides of the bus that were quickly filled. Blood drive staff worked efficiently to keep people coming on and off the bus at a regular pace. There were 37 donations by the end of the day.
A staff member said that although there was a blood shortage that just ended, blood is always needed and requested throughout the year. Responders said they felt good about filling a need and helping others.
Sector B NCO John Triano said that the bus comes to the precinct every couple of months. “I would give blood more often if I could, but you’re only allowed to donate every two months,” he said.