July 24


Free Rowing and Kayaking on Jamaica Bay

July 24, 2023

Teens from across Brooklyn were treated to a free kayak lesson at the Sebago Canoe Club, located at 1400 Paerdegat Avenue North. The annual summer event was co-hosted by State Senator Roxanne Persaud for City of Water Day and gave residents the opportunity to explore beautiful waterways right in their own backyard.

Many of the parents present were unaware that the Sebago Canoe Club even existed, while others, like Janice Blake, discovered the club in 2020 and have been on a waiting list for two years to become a member.
Blake, a mother of three children, aged 18, 16, and 11, shared that her eldest son learned how to build a canoe last year through his participation in the club, an experience she described as life-changing.
Senator Persaud has been involved with City of Water Day for several years. In the past, they have collaborated with the Billion Oyster Project and Row New York. The goal is to engage the youth of the community and encourage their participation in water-related activities. She said that this is the first event of the summer, with the next one scheduled for August 12th and September 9th, specifically for teens.
Several students came with the community program sponsored by the 69th Precinct., where 12-year-old Christindra learned about the program. She was excited to get in the canoe but not thrilled about getting her hair wet.
Shakarra, a 15-year-old, had just come out of the water when the Canarsie Courier spoke to her. She said that it was “fun learning new stuff” and something she would like to do again. It was her first time in a canoe, and despite getting wet from a fellow rower, she felt it was all worth it.
For more information on upcoming events, visit the sebagocanoeclub.org. There is a waitlist for new members, but those involved say it’s worth the wait.

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