June 25


Bystander Intervention Training Comes To Communities In Need

June 25, 2022

Sexual violence and assault were the focal points of a Bystander Intervention Training event hosted by the Office of Councilwoman Farah Louis on Monday, June 13th at The Bridge Multicultural Project, 1894 Flatbush Avenue.

“We have seen an uptick in the district and the councilwoman has the resources to help,” said Sabrina Diejuste, Community Liaison for Councilwoman Louis.

According to Diejuste, this training is one in a series of free bystander intervention trainings launched by Louis in response to an increasing number of cases of sexual assault, domestic violence, gun violence, mental health awareness issues and hate crimes in her district.

The training sessions will cover different topics throughout the summer to help create a strong bystander community with the tools and knowledge to support others or themselves in situations of random attacks, hate or violence. The organization also creates safe places to heal or help for those who are the perpetrators of violence.

Director Hailey Nolasco and program managers Karolin Betances and Nathalie Arzu from The Reimagining Intimacy through Social Engagement (RISE) Project conducted the training to educate the public about what constitutes sexual violence and assault, and how to intervene or support someone affected by it in a safe manner.

RISE and community members join together against sexual violence and assault.

Audience members shared their own personal observations or experiences and learned tips adapted from iHollaback’s 5 D’s:  Distract, Delegate, Document, Delay and Direct, recreating different scenarios and how best to use these techniques for each situation.

In addition to RISE, the event was held in partnership with SCO Family of Services, Yeshiva University and The Bridge Multicultural Project.

For more information, visit courtinnovation.org/programs/rise-project, email riseproject@courtinnovation.org or phone 646-709-3623.

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