October 4


Bergen Beach – Local Student Receives $2,000 In Scholarship Funds

October 4, 2022

Michael Selden, a student at LIU, was presented with a $1,000 scholarship check from the Uniformed Sanitationmen’s Association last week.

Selden, 18, a resident of Bergen Beach, attended Edward R. Murrow High School and is now a freshman at LIU. His father, Jay, is a NYC Sanitation worker.
The $1,000 check was presented by Harry Nespoli, president of the Sanitationmen’s Association at a ceremony held on Friday, September 30th.
The $1,000 scholarship matches a James R. Hoffa Memorial Scholarship that Selden received from the International Teamsters, also for $1,000, for a total of $2,000.

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