February 15


The Spirit of Black History Month Comes Alive At Bildersee

February 15, 2022


What happens when a cooking class at a local intermediate school puts down their measuring cups and picks up soulful African dance moves? You get a passionate group of students who know how to celebrate Black History Month and involve everyone in their cultural studies!

About a dozen girls from all different grades at I.S. 68 Isaac Bildersee, at 956 East 82nd Street, honored their ancestors and their rich artistic history last week when they put on special performances for their peers.

Lead by teacher Elle Scott, the students spent about a month preparing for the soulful showcase, entitled: “Sounds of My People.” The confident and talented team went to different classrooms, impressing students and teachers with unique dances, songs and poems. Ms. Scott also took part in the “traveling” performance by singing and provided percussion on an African drum. 

The show normally would have taken place in the auditorium but was scaled back due to COVID precautions.

“This is a chance for the students to tap into their ancestral roots and tune into their culture,” Scott told the Canarsie Courier. “We want our young women to be proud of their roots and the figures that dominate black history. They learn so much and they’re all so talented – it’s important to bring out the best in our students.”

Principal Merve Williams said he is proud to see students bring positivity to the school and their sense of pride during this historic month in an enthusiastic expression of creativity.

“I love to see that my students are excited about performing while they’re learning,” Williams said.

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